Setup for Diode Testing in Oscilloscope

Setup for Diode Testing in Oscilloscope: Diode Testing in Oscilloscope -The voltage-current characteristics curve of a crystal diode may be observed using the circuit given in Fig. 7.37 (a). In…

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Spot Wheel Method for Frequency Measurement

Spot Wheel Method for Frequency Measurement: As the ratio of the two frequencies being compared increases, the Lissajous pattern becomes more complicated and hence more difficult to interpret. In such…

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Triggered Sweep CRO

Triggered Sweep CRO: Triggered Sweep CRO - The continuous sweep is of limited use in displaying periodic signals of constant frequency and amplitude. When attempting to display voice or music…

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Horizontal Deflection System in CRO

Horizontal Deflection System in CRO: The Horizontal Deflection System in CRO consist of a Time Base Generator and an output amplifier. Sweep or Time Base Generator: A continuous sweep CRO…

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Working Principle of Digital Multimeter

Working Principle of Digital Multimeter: Analog meters require no power supply, they give a better visual indication of changes and suffer less from electric noise and isolation problems. These meters…

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Working Principle of Multimeter

Working Principle of Multimeter: A multimeter is basically a PMMC meter. To measure dc current the meter acts as an ammeter with a low series resistance. Range changing is accomplished…

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Multirange Ohmmeter

Multirange Ohmmeter: The Multirange Ohmmeter circuit shown in Fig. 4.28 (a) is only for a single range of resistance measurement. To measure resistance over a wide range of values, we…

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Series Type Ohmmeter

Series Type Ohmmeter: Series Type Ohmmeter - A D' Arsonval movement is connected in series with a resistance R1 and a battery which is connected to a pair of terminals…

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