Sensors Based Computer Data Systems

Sensors Based Computer Data Systems: This Sensors Based Computer Data Systems describes hardware/software which is commercially available at several levels of completeness, ranging from single board computer "front ends" to…

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Measurements of Thickness using Beta Gauge

Measurements of Thickness using Beta Gauge: Beta Gauge - A common and characteristic feature of a radioactive element is that they disintegrate spontaneously to produce fresh radioactive elements called daughter…

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Magnetic Flow Meters

Magnetic Flow Meters: Magnetic Flow Meters are the first type of flowmeters to be considered for high corrosive applications and for applications involving measurement of erosive slurries. These meters work…

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Pressure Inductive Transducer

Pressure Inductive Transducer: Pressure Inductive Transducer - A simple, arrangement, wherein a change in the inductance of a sensing element is produced by a pressure change, is given in Fig.…

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Potentiometric Recorder Working Principle (Multipoint)

Potentiometric Recorder Working Principle (Multipoint): Potentiometric Recorder Working Principle - The thermocouple or millivolt signal is amplified by a non-inverting MOSFET, chopper stabilized, feedback amplifier. This configuration has a very…

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Strip Chart Recorder Working Principle

Strip Chart Recorder Working Principle: Strip Chart Recorder Working Principle are those in which data is recorded on a continuous roll of chart paper moving at a constant speed. The…

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Stroboscope Working Principle

Stroboscope Working Principle: The stroboscope working principle uses a high intensity light which flashes at precise intervals. This light may be directed upon a rotating or vibrating object. The stroboscopic…

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Spectrum Analyzer Block Diagram

Spectrum Analyzer Block Diagram: Spectrum Analyzer Block Diagram - The most common way of observing signals is to display them on an oscilloscope, with time as the X-axis (i.e. amplitude…

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