Circuit Breaker Analyzer

Circuit Breaker Analyzer: Short Circuit Generator: This is of a special design having very low reactance in order to give the maximum short-circuit output of the Circuit Breaker Analyzer. The…

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Hall Effect Relay Circuit

Hall Effect Relay Circuit: Hall Effect Relay Circuit is utilized to give a phase comparator. The effect is very predominant in certain semiconductors such as indium arsenide, indium antimonide, indium…

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Static Relays Basics and Classification

Static Relays Basics and Classification: A Static Relays Basics refers to a relay in which the measurement or comparison of electrical quantities is done in a static network which is…

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Motor Protection

Motor Protection: Motor Protection - There is a wide range of motors in existence for various purposes. However, the fundamental problems affecting the choice of protection are independent of the…

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Common Base Circuit Diagram

Common Base Circuit Diagram: The Common Base Circuit Diagram (CB) shown in Fig. 6-34 is very similar to a CE circuit, except that the input signal is applied to the…

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Common Collector Circuit Analysis

Common Collector Circuit Analysis: In the Common Collector Circuit Analysis (CC) shown in Fig. 6-28 the external load (RL) is capacitor-coupled to the transistor emitter terminal. The circuit uses voltage divider…

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