Tap Changing Transformers

Tap Changing Transformers: The excitation control method is satisfactory only for relatively short lines. However, it is not suitable for long lines as the voltage at the alternator terminals will…

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Brown Boveri Regulator

Brown Boveri Regulator: In this type of Brown Boveri Regulator, exciter field rheostat is varied continuously or in small steps instead of being first completely cut in and then completely…

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Power Factor Correction Circuit

Power Factor Correction Circuit: To calculate Power Factor Correction Circuit, Consider an inductive load taking a lagging current I at a power factor cos Φ1. To develop Power Factor Improvement…

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Low Power Factor

Low Power Factor: The Low Power Factor plays an importance role in ac. circuits since power consumed depends upon this factor. It is clear from above that for fixed power…

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Power Factor

Power Factor: The electrical energy is almost exclusively generated, transmitted and distributed in the form of alternating current. Therefore, the question of power factor immediately comes into picture. Most of…

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Centrifugal Pump Load

Centrifugal Pump Load: Centrifugal Pump Load are used as boiler feed pumps and for pumping water in water pipe lines. The former must be adapted to the variable output of…

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3 Phase Induction Motor Construction

3 Phase Induction Motor Construction: A converter fed 3 Phase Induction Motor Construction has the following advantages over a line fed motor: 1.Smooth start up is guaranteed by variable frequency…

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Regenerative Braking

Regenerative Braking: Sometimes the energy of the load may have to be fed to the supply system. A Chopper in this mode is called regenerative. The chopper working as a…

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