Tap Changing Auto Transformer

Tap Changing Auto Transformer: Fig. 15.6 shows diagrammatically Tap Changing Auto Transformer. Here, a mid-tapped auto-transformer or reactor is used. One of the lines is connected to its mid-tapping. One…

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Tap Changing Transformers

Tap Changing Transformers: The excitation control method is satisfactory only for relatively short lines. However, it is not suitable for long lines as the voltage at the alternator terminals will…

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Booster Generator

Booster Generator: A Booster Generator is a D.C. generator whose function is to inject or add certain voltage into a circuit so as to compensate the IR drop in the…

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Three Wire DC System Balancer Set

Three Wire DC System Balancer Set: Although in a 3-wire d.c. system every effort is made to distribute the various loads equally on both sides of the neutral, yet it…

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Overhead vs Underground System

Overhead vs Underground System: The distribution system can be Overhead vs Underground System. Overhead lines are generally mounted on wooden, concrete or steel poles which are arranged to carry distribution…

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Grading of Cables

Grading of Cables: The process of achieving uniform electrostatic stress in the dielectric of cables is known as grading of cables. It has already been shown that electrostatic stress in…

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Classification of Underground Cables

Classification of Underground Cables: Classification of Underground Cables may be in two ways according to the type of insulating material used in their manufacture the voltage for which they are…

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Insulating Materials for Underground Cables

Insulating Materials for Underground Cables: The satisfactory operation of a cable depends to a great extent upon the characteristics of insulation used. Therefore, the proper choice of Insulating Materials for…

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