Synchronous Machine Operation

Synchronous Machine Operation: The Synchronous Machine Operation are examined here under conditions of variable load and variable excitation. One of these quantities will be assumed to be held constant at…

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Armature Reaction in Synchronous Generator

Armature Reaction in Synchronous Generator: The Armature Reaction in Synchronous Generator is dependent on the power factor at which the machine is operating and upon the operating mode generating/motoring. For…

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Armature Reaction in Synchronous Motor

Armature Reaction in Synchronous Motor: The Simple circuit model of the synchronous machine was obtained in Sec. 8.3 by making the assumption that the magnetic circuit of the machine is…

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Determination of the Synchronous Reactance

Determination of the Synchronous Reactance | Open Circuit and Short Circuit test of Synchronous Machine: Determination of the Synchronous Reactance - With the assumption of a linear magnetic circuit, the…

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Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Motor

Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Motor: By assuming linearity of the magnetic circuit, it is possible to obtain simple Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Motor. The validity of this assumption stems from…

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DC Machine Applications

DC Machine Applications: Whenever the application of any machine is considered, its operating characteristics along with its economic and technical viability as compared to its competitors are the essential criteria.…

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