SF6 Circuit Breaker

SF6 circuit breaker: One of the recent developments in the field of high voltage switchgear is the SF6 circuit breaker. In this a gas called sulphur hexafluoride is used as…

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Prime Mover Protection

Prime Mover Protection: In the event of prime-mover failure the machine starts motoring meaning thereby that it draws electrical power from the system and drives the prime-mover. This condition imposes…

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Use of Efficient Semiconductor Converters

Use of Efficient Semiconductor Converters: Prior to development of Use of Efficient Semiconductor Converters, inefficient power modulators were employed in several applications. While replacement of these power modulators by the…

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DC Traction

DC Traction using Semiconductor Chopper Controlled DC Motors: Chopper control has replaced resistance control in all dc traction schemes, such as 1500 V dc main line and suburban traction, 750…

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Coefficient of Adhesion in Traction

Coefficient of Adhesion in Traction: In Coefficient of Adhesion in Traction, the task of driving equipment consists of pushing the carriage on which it is mounted and pulling coaches and…

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Nature of Traction Load

Nature of Traction Load: Nature of Traction Load describes as when the train runs at a constant velocity on level track, a number of frictional forces oppose its motion. The…

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