Types of Amplitude Modulation (AM)

Types of Amplitude Modulation (AM): As we know already that, one carrier and two sidebands are produced in AM generation. However, it is not essential that all these signals are…

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Classification of Communication

Classification of Communication: There are two basic classification of communication systems, baseband systems and passband systems. In baseband systems, the signal is transmitted without modifying the frequency content. A simple…

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LM340 Series Voltage Regulator

LM340 Series Voltage Regulator: This LM340 Series Voltage Regulator is typical of the three-terminal voltage regulators. The block diagram is shown in Fig. 43.27. The built-in reference voltage Vref drives…

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Regulated and Unregulated Power Supply

Regulated and Unregulated Power Supply: Almost all electronic devices used in electronic circuits need a dc source of power to operate. The source of dc power is used to establish…

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What is Capacitor in Electronics?

What is Capacitor in Electronics?: What is Capacitor in Electronics? - Capacitor is a two-terminal element that has the capability of charge storage and, consequently, energy storage. The stored energy…

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What is Inductor in Electronics?

What is Inductor in Electronics? An inductor has been defined as a physical device which is capable of storing energy by virtue of a current flowing through it. An Inductor…

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