Sample and Hold Circuit

Sample and Hold Circuit: Four basic sample and hold circuit are shown in Fig. 14.141. In these circuits a JFET is used as switch. During the sampling time the JFET…

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8279 Block Diagram

8279 Block Diagram: Fig. 14.84 shows the 8279 Block Diagram. It consists of four main sections CPU interface and control section Scan section 8279 Keyboard section Display section 1.CPU Interface…

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Interfacing 8259 with 8085

Interfacing 8259 with 8085: Fig. 14.72 shows Interfacing 8259 with 8085 microprocessor system. Addressing of 8259A : The 74LS138 address decoder will assert the CS input of the 8259A when…

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8259 Block Diagram

8259 Block Diagram: Fig. 14.71 shows the internal 8259 Block Diagram. It includes eight blocks : data bus buffer, read/write logic, control logic, three registers (IRR, ISR and IMR), priority…

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Features of 8096 Microcontroller

Features of 8096 Microcontroller: Here, we are going to see 16-bit microcontroller MCS 8096. It is designed for high speed/high performance control applications. The Features of 8096 Microcontroller are namely,…

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Maximum Mode Configuration of 8086

Maximum Mode Configuration of 8086: A processor is in the Maximum Mode Configuration of 8086 when its MN/MX pin is grounded. The maximum mode defines pins 24 to 31 as…

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