Electric Converter

Electric Converter: Electric Converter - The speed of a dc motor can be varied by varying the armature voltage or the field current, for which a variable dc supply is…

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Variable Load Problem

Variable Load Problem: The variable load problem has introduced the following terms and factors in power plant engineering: 1.Connected load : It is the sum of continuous ratings of all the…

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Diesel Power Plant

Diesel Power Plant: A generating station in which diesel engine is used as the prime mover for the generation of electrical energy is known as Diesel Power Plant. In a…

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Schematic Arrangement of Steam Power Plant

Schematic Arrangement of Steam Power Plant: Although Steam Power Plant simply involves the conversion of heat of coal combustion into electri­cal energy, yet it embraces many arrangements for proper working…

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Development of Electric Power Industry

Development of Electric Power Industry: The basic human need for safe, efficient, and affordable light became the driving force which led to the Development of Electric Power Industry of today's…

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Starting Methods of Induction Motor

Starting Methods of Induction Motor: Starting Methods of Induction Motor - At the time of starting the motor slip being unity, the load resistance with reference to the approximate circuit…

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Power from Renewable Energy Articles

Power from Renewable Energy Articles: Hydel Power Plant – Definition, Working Principle and Advantages: Power of water – Hydel Power Plant is a clean and cheap source of energy. The…

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