Control Techniques for Electric Drives Articles

Control Techniques for Electric Drives Articles: Introduction Control Techniques in Electric Drives: An electric drive is a well established industrial drive as it has several adĀ­vantages and special features. Its…

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Control of Electric Motor Articles

Control of Electric Motor Articles: Control of DC Electric Motor: A separately excited DC Electric Motor is very versatile as a variable speed motor. Its speed can be varied by…

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High Voltage Laboratory Rating

High Voltage Laboratory Rating: The High Voltage Laboratory Rating and size of test equipment chosen in the h.v. laboratories depends on the test facilities to be provided. Normally, the design…

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Classification of High Voltage Laboratories

Classification of High Voltage Laboratories: Classification of High Voltage Laboratories depending on the purpose for which they are intended and the resources (finances) available, can be classified into four types.…

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Insulation Coordination in High Voltage

Insulation Coordination in High Voltage: Insulation Coordination in High Voltage - Electric power supply should ensure reliability and continuity to the utility concerns. Hence, the power lines and sub-stations are…

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Impulse Voltage Test System

Impulse Voltage Test System: It is extremely difficult to control and adjust the Impulse Voltage Test System wave shapes for different load conditions as in the case of large capacitive…

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Series DC Voltage Regulator

Series DC Voltage Regulator: The output voltage of a d.c. source, whether it is a rectifier or any other machine, changes with the load current as well as with the…

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