Single Phase Synchronous Generator

Single Phase Synchronous Generator: Certain applications, usually restricted to less than 10 kVA are better served by a Single Phase Synchronous Generator. Examples are emergency, domestic/office supply, portable power for…

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Hunting in Synchronous Machine

Hunting in Synchronous Machine: So far the operation of the synchronous machine under steady-state conditions at constant (synchronous) speed has been considered. Under these conditions of Hunting in Synchronous Machine…

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Determination of the Synchronous Reactance

Determination of the Synchronous Reactance | Open Circuit and Short Circuit test of Synchronous Machine: Determination of the Synchronous Reactance - With the assumption of a linear magnetic circuit, the…

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Characteristics of DC Motors

Characteristics of DC Motors | Characteristics of Shunt Motor: The power of the dc motor lies in its versatility and ease with which a variety of speed-torque characteristics can be…

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