Ferranti Effect in Transmission Line

Ferranti Effect in Transmission Line: The effect of the line capacitance is to cause the no-load receiving-end voltage to be more than the sending-end voltage. The effect becomes more pronounced…

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Transmission Lines and Waveguides

Transmission Lines and Waveguides: As we know already that, γ is a complex number of Transmission Lines and Waveguides which can be expressed as The real part α is called…

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Long Transmission Line

Long Transmission Line: For lines over 250 km, the fact that the parameters of a line are not lumped but distributed uniformly throughout its length, must be considered. Figure 5.10…

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Medium Transmission Line

Medium Transmission Line: For lines more than 100 km long, charging currents due to shunt admittance cannot be neglected. For lines in range 100 km to 250 km length, it…

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Voltage Regulation of Transmission Line

Voltage Regulation of Transmission Line: Voltage Regulation of Transmission Line is defined as the rise in voltage at the receiving-end, expressed as percentage of full load voltage, when full load…

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Introduction to Power Transmission Line

Introduction to Power Transmission Line: Introduction to Power Transmission Line deals primarily with the characteristics and performance of transmission lines. A problem of major importance in power systems is the…

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