Distance Protection

Distance Protection: Both time-graded and pilot-wire system are not suitable for the protection of very long high voltage transmission lines. The former gives an unduly long time delay in fault…

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Time Graded Overcurrent Protection

Time Graded Overcurrent Protection: In this scheme of Time Graded Overcurrent Protection, time discrimination is incorporated. In other words, the time setting of relays is so graded that in the…

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Electric Supply System

Electric Supply System: The conveyance of electric power from a power station to consumers' premises is known as Electric Supply System. An electric supply system consists of three principal components…

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Various Types of Electricity Tariff

Various Types of Electricity Tariff: The electrical energy produced by a power station is delivered to a large number of consumers. The consumers can be persuaded to use electrical energy…

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Methods of Determining Depreciation

Methods of Determining Depreciation: There is reduction in the value of the equipment and other property of the plant every year due to depreciation. Therefore, a suitable amount (known as…

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Cost of Electrical Energy

Cost of Electrical Energy: The total Cost of Electrical Energy generated can be divided into three parts, namely ; Fixed cost ;                     Semi-fixed cost ;                  Running or operating cost. (i)…

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Variable Load Problem

Variable Load Problem: The variable load problem has introduced the following terms and factors in power plant engineering: 1.Connected load : It is the sum of continuous ratings of all the…

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