Supply Systems Articles

Supply Systems Articles: Advantages of High Transmission Voltage : The Advantages of High Transmission Voltage at high voltages due to the following reasons : (i) Reduces volume of conductor material:…

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Overvoltage Protection Articles

Overvoltage Protection Articles: Lightning : An electric discharge between cloud and earth, between clouds or between the charge centres of the same cloud is known as lightning. Lightning is a…

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Symmetrical Components Articles

Symmetrical Components Articles: Symmetrical Component Transformation: Symmetrical Component Transformation is given by a  set of three balanced voltages (phasors) Va,Vb,Vc is characterized by equal magnitudes and interphase differences of 120°.…

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Load Flow Studies Articles

Load Flow Studies Articles: One Line Diagram of the 4 Bus System: A power system comprises several buses which are interconnected by means of transmission lines. Power is injected into…

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Introduction to Modern Power System Articles

Introduction to Modern Power System Articles: Introduction to Modern Power System Planning: In Modern Power System Planning, electric energy is an essential ingredient for the industrial and all-round development of…

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Inductance and Resistance Articles

Inductance and Resistance Articles: Definition of Inductance of Transmission Line: The formula for definition of inductance of transmission line is as follows: Voltage induced in a circuit is given by…

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Overvoltage Articles

Overvoltage Articles: Simpson Theory of Lightning: The factors that contribute to the formation or accumulation of charge in the clouds are too many and uncertain. But during thunderstorms, positive and…

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Generation of High Voltage and Currents Articles

Generation of High Voltage and Currents Articles: Different Types of High Voltages: In the fields of electrical engineering and applied physics, Different Types of High Voltages (d.c., a.c,, and impulse)…

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