Gear Wheel Method for Frequency Measurement

Gear Wheel Method for Frequency Measurement: When a Lissajous figure contains a large number of loops, accurate counting becomes difficult. Figure 7.35 shows a test method that uses a modulated…

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Spot Wheel Method for Frequency Measurement

Spot Wheel Method for Frequency Measurement: As the ratio of the two frequencies being compared increases, the Lissajous pattern becomes more complicated and hence more difficult to interpret. In such…

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Storage Oscilloscope

Storage Oscilloscope (For VLF Signal): Storage Oscilloscope - Storage targets can be distinguished from standard phosphor targets by their ability to retain a waveform pattern for a long time, independent…

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What is Sampling Oscilloscope?

What is Sampling Oscilloscope?: An ordinary Sampling Oscilloscope has a B.W. of 10 MHz. The HF performance can be improved by means of sampling the input waveform and reconstructing its…

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Trigger Pulse Generator Circuit

Trigger Pulse Generator Circuit: The Trigger Pulse Generator Circuit is activated by signals of a variety of shapes and amplitudes, which are converted to trigger pulses of uniform amplitude for…

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Vertical Amplifier

Vertical Amplifier: The sensitivity (gain) and frequency bandwidth (B.W.) response characteristics of the oscilloscope are mainly determined by the vertical amplifier. Since the gain B.W. product is constant, to obtain…

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CRT Features

CRT Features: CRT Features - Electrostatic CRTs are available in a number of types and sizes to suit individual requirements. The important features of these tubes are as follows. 1.…

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