Variable Frequency Control of Induction Motor Drive

Variable Frequency Control of Induction Motor Drive: Variable Frequency Control of Induction Motor Drive - Synchronous speed, therefore, the motor speed can be controlled by varying supply frequency. Voltage induced…

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Pole Changing of Induction Motor

Pole Changing of Induction Motor: Pole Changing of Induction Motor - For a given frequency, the synchronous speed is inversely proportional to the number of poles. Synchronous speed, and therefore,…

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Transient Analysis of Induction Motor

Transient Analysis of Induction Motor: Usefulness of analysis of transient operating conditions of a drive, e.g. starting, braking, load changing, speed changing, etc. is already explained. A rigorous analysis of…

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Dynamic Braking of Induction Motor

Dynamic Braking of Induction Motor(or Rheostatic Braking): (a) AC Dynamic Braking - AC Dynamic Braking of Induction Motor is obtained when the motor is run on a single phase supply…

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Unbalanced Rotor Impedance Operation

Unbalanced Rotor Impedance Operation: Earlier Unbalanced Rotor Impedance Operation were employed for starting and speed control. They are not in use any more. However, a loose contact in the rotor…

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Unbalanced Source Voltages Operations

Unbalanced Source Voltages Operations: As Supply voltage may sometimes become unbalanced, it is useful to know the effect of Unbalanced Source Voltages Operations on motor performance. Further, motor terminal voltage…

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Three Phase Induction Motors

Three Phase Induction Motors: Three Phase Induction Motors are of two types: squirrel-case and wound-rotor. In squirrel-cage, the rotor consists of longitudinal conductor-bars shorted by circular connectors at the two…

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Ward Leonard Method of Speed Control

Ward Leonard Method of Speed Control: Known after the name of its inventor Ward Leonard Method of Speed Control (1891), it consists of a separately excited generator feeding the dc…

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