Power Factor

Power Factor: The electrical energy is almost exclusively generated, transmitted and distributed in the form of alternating current. Therefore, the question of power factor immediately comes into picture. Most of…

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Various Types of Electricity Tariff

Various Types of Electricity Tariff: The electrical energy produced by a power station is delivered to a large number of consumers. The consumers can be persuaded to use electrical energy…

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Introduction Control Techniques in Electric Drives

Introduction Control Techniques in Electric Drives: An electric drive is a well established industrial drive as it has several adĀ­vantages and special features. Its Control Techniques consists in starting, speed…

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Electric Converter

Electric Converter: Electric Converter - The speed of a dc motor can be varied by varying the armature voltage or the field current, for which a variable dc supply is…

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Types of Load in Power System

Types of Load in Power System: what is load in power system : A device which taps electrical energy from the electric power system is called a load on the…

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Variable Load on Power Station

Variable Load on Power Station: The load on a power station varies from time to time due to uncertain demands of the consumers and is known as Variable Load on…

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