Lens Antenna

Lens Antenna Design: The paraboloid reflector is one example of how optical principles may be applied to microwave lens antenna, and the Lens Antenna is yet another. It is used…

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Parabolic Antenna

Parabolic Antenna: The Parabolic Antenna is a plane curve, defined as the locus of a point which moves so that its distance from another point (called the focus) plus its…

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Directional High Frequency Antenna

Directional High Frequency Antenna: Directional High Frequency Antenna are likely to differ from lower-frequency ones for two reasons. These are the HF transmission/reception requirements and the ability to meet them.…

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Antenna Characteristics

Antenna Characteristics: The following Antenna Characteristics isolated from surfaces which will alter or change their radiation patterns and efficiency. Current and Voltage Distribution: When an RF signal voltage is applied…

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Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves

Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves: Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves are energy propagated through free space at the velocity of light, which is approximately 300 meters per microsecond. As the object travelled downward,…

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Automatic Frequency Control Block Diagram

Automatic Frequency Control Block Diagram: Automatic frequency control: As previously we see, the heart of an AFC circuit is a frequency-sensitive device, such as the phase discriminator, which produces a…

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Amplitude Modulation Theory

Amplitude Modulation Theory: In Amplitude Modulation Theory, the amplitude of a carrier signal is varied by the modulating voltage, whose frequency is invariably lower than that of the carrier. In…

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Interfacing with Microprocessors Articles

Interfacing with Microprocessors Articles: BCD to 7 Segment Decoder using IC 7447: BCD to 7 Segment Decoder using IC 7447 are generally used as numerical indicators and consists of a…

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