Tuned Power Lines in Transmission

Tuned Power Lines in Transmission: Equation (5.23) characterizes the performance of a Tuned Power Lines in long Transmission line. For an overhead line shunt conductance G is always negligible and…

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Types of Forced Commutation

Types of Forced Commutation: It was observed from the discussion on choppers and inverters that in thyristor systems fed from dc supply, the forward current does not pass through zero…

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Starting Methods of Induction Motor

Starting Methods of Induction Motor: Starting Methods of Induction Motor - At the time of starting the motor slip being unity, the load resistance with reference to the approximate circuit…

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Constant Current Limiting Circuit

Constant Current Limiting Circuit: A block of series regulation using simple Constant Current Limiting Circuit is shown in the Fig. 2.119. It is also called short circuit protection circuit as…

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DC Machine Applications

DC Machine Applications: Whenever the application of any machine is considered, its operating characteristics along with its economic and technical viability as compared to its competitors are the essential criteria.…

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Shunted Armature Speed Control

Shunted Armature Speed Control: Shunted Armature Speed Control - It is a variation of rheostatic control. As is obvious from Fig. 7.59, the principle used in achieving control is that…

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Rheostatic Control Method

Rheostatic Control Method: Rheostatic Control Method - Series armature-resistance control : Here the applied armature voltage is varied by placing an adjustable resistance Re in series with the armature as…

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