Microprocessor Based DCS

Microprocessor Based DCS: Microprocessor Based DCS - Modern plants nowadays are very complex, large scale systems with a very high degree of automation. The designs and the operation of these…

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Symbol Counter

Symbol Counter: Symbol Counter - A counter is a simple device used for counting. There are different types of counters. There are up-counters (that only count up 1, 2, 3 ...).…

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Relays Definition

Relays Definition: The main purpose of a PLC is to replace real world relays. A Relays Definition is basically an electro-magnetic switch. When a voltage is applied to the coil, a…

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PLC Applications

PLC Applications: The PLC Applications takes a certain amount of time to react to changes. The total response time of the PLC is a fact that has to be considered while…

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Delta Modulation

Delta Modulation(DM): Delta modulation(DM) is process of modulation in which train of fixed width pulses is transmitted. Their polarity indicates whether the demodulator output should rise or fall at each…

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Pulse Code Modulation

Pulse Code Modulation(PCM): Pulse Code Modulation(PCM) is different from the other forms of pulse modulation studied so far, PCM also uses sampling techniques, but it differs from the others in…

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Pulse Width Modulation

Pulse Width Modulation(PWM): Pulse width modulation of PTM is also often called Pulse Duration Modulation (PDM). In this system, shown in Fig. 18.8, we have a fixed amplitude and starting…

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Electric Drive Motor

Electric Drive Motor: Motion control is required in large number of industrial and domestic applications like transportation systems, rolling mills, paper machines, textile mills, machine tools, fans, pumps, robots, washing…

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