8257 Pin Diagram

8257 Pin Diagram: Fig. 14.61 shows 8257 Pin Diagram. Data Bus (D0-D7) : These are bi-directional tri-state signals connected to the system data bus. When CPU is having control of…

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8257 DMA Controller

8257 DMA Controller: In microprocessor based systems data transfer can be controlled by either software or hardware. Upto this point we have used program instructions to transfer data from I/O…

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Features of 8251 Microcontroller

Features of 8251 Microcontroller: The features of Features of 8251 Microcontroller are namely, 1. The Intel 8251A is an universal synchronous and asynchronous communication controller. 2. It supports standard asynchronous protocol…

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Serial Communication Interface 8251

Serial Communication Interface 8251: Most of the microprocessors are designed for parallel communication. In parallel communication number of lines required to transfer data depend on the number of bits to…

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8255 Interfacing with 8086

8255 Interfacing with 8086: Fig. 14.17 shows the 8255 Interfacing with 8086 Microprocessor and Interfacing 8255 with 8085 Microprocessor in I/O mapped I/O technique. Here RD and WR signals are…

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8255 Pin Diagram

8255 Pin Diagram: Fig. 14.1 shows the 8255 Pin Diagram of Microprocessor. 8255 Block Diagram: Fig. 14.2 shows the internal 8255 block diagram of 8255 Pin Diagram Microprocessor. It consists…

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16 Bit Microcontroller Articles

16 Bit Microcontroller Articles: 8096 Memory Space : The addressable memory space on the 8096 Memory Space consists of 64 K bytes, most of which is available to the user…

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Microcontroller 8031 and 8051 Articles

Microcontroller 8031 and 8051 Articles: Features of 8051 Microcontroller: The Features of 8051 Microcontroller family are as follows. 1. Single-supply +5 volt operation using HMOS technology. 2. 4096 bytes program…

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