Electronic Communication Articles

Electronic Communication Articles: This Electronic Communication Articles which includes the following topics: Principles of Communication Systems Need of Modulation in Communication System Bandwidth Requirement in Communication System External Noise in…

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Data Transmission

Data Transmission: A data transmission system can be described simply in terms of three components, the transmitter (also called the source), the transmission path (usually referred to as the channel,…

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Electronic Instrumentation Articles

Electronic Instrumentation Articles: This Electronic Instrumentation Articles which includes the following topics: Introduction to Electronics Instrumentation Static Characteristics of Measuring Instruments Errors in Measurement Types of Static Error and Sources…

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Voltage Control Interview Questions and Answers

Voltage Control Interview Questions and Answers: 1. Why is it necessary to keep the receiving-end voltage constant within specified limits ? Ans. For satisfactory operation of equipment/machinery supplied by the…

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Pin diagram of 16550 UART

Pin diagram of 16550 UART: The 16550 UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) is an integrated circuit which is used for the interfacing for serial communications. Usually, it is used to implement…

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Semiconductor Converter Controlled Drives

Semiconductor Converter Controlled Drives: These are now widely used both in ac and dc tractions involving dc and ac motors, and the conventional drives have all become outdated, and will…

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Basic Radar System Block Diagram

Basic Radar System Block Diagram: Basic Radar System Block Diagram consists of a transmitter and a receiver, each connected to a directional antenna. The transmitter is capable of sending out…

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