Types of Strain Gauge Transducer

Types of Strain Gauge Transducer: Types of Strain Gauge Transducer are three types, namely Wire Strain Gauge Foil Strain Gauge Semiconductor Strain Gauge Wire Strain Gauge: Wire Strain Gauge has…

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Resistive Transducer

Resistive Transducer | Resistive Potentiometer | Resistance Pressure Transducer: Resistive Transducer are those in which the resistance changes due to a change in some physical phenomenon. The change in the…

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Electrical Transducer

Electrical Transducer: A transducer is defined as a device that receives energy from one system and transmits it to another, often in a different form. Broadly defined, the transducer is…

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Wien Bridge Circuit Diagram

Wien Bridge Circuit Diagram: The Wien Bridge Circuit Diagram shown in Fig. 11.27 has a series RC combination in one arm and a parallel combination in the adjoining arm. Wien's…

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Wheatstone Bridge Diagram

Wheatstone Bridge Diagram: A Wheatstone Bridge diagram in its simplest form consists of a network of four resistance arms forming a closed circuit, with a dc source of current applied…

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Linear Applications of Op-Amps Interview Questions and Answers

Linear Applications of Op-Amps Interview Questions and Answers: 1. Give the examples of linear circuits. Ans. Adder, subtractor, differentiator, integrator, voltage-to-current converter, current-to-voltage converter, instrumentation amplifier fall under the category of…

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Temperature Control System

Temperature Control System: Before going to study the temperature control system, let us see the block diagram of microprocessor based process Temperature Control System. It is capable of controlling more…

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Signal Conditioning in Instrumentation Articles

Signal Conditioning in Instrumentation Articles: Signal Conditioning System: The measurand, which is basically a physical quantity, is detected by the first stage of the instrumentation or measurement system. The first…

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