Protection of Transformers

Protection of Transformers: Transformers are static devices, totally enclosed and generally oil immersed. Therefore, chances of faults occurring on them are very rare. However, the consequences of even a rare…

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Generator Inter Turn Fault Protection

Generator Inter Turn Fault Protection: Merz-Price circulating current protection system does not provide protection against turn-to-turn faults (short circuits between the turns) on the same phase winding of the stator…

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Overlapping Zones of Protection

Overlapping Zones of Protection: Overlapping Zones of Protection - In order to provide selectivity to the system it is usual practice to divide the entire system into several protection zones.…

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Basic Requirements of Protection System

Basic Requirements of Protection System: Protection system is an extremely important part of the power system as it is provided to operate under abnormal conditions to prevent failure or isolate…

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Why we need for Power System Protection?

Why we need for Power System Protection? Need for power system protection are growing fast with more generators, transformers and large network in the systems. For system operation a high…

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Microprocessor Based Protection Relay

Microprocessor Based Protection Relay: Reliable and accurate protection schemes are required for any system. Microprocessors can fulfill these requirements without fail. In addition to the system protection, microprocessors can perform…

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Apparatus Protection in Power System Articles

Apparatus Protection in Power System Articles: Transformer Protection Types: Nature of Transformer Faults: Power transformers, being static, totally enclosed and oil immersed develop faults only rarely but the consequences of…

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