Closed Loop Torque Control of Drives

Closed Loop Torque Control of Drives: Closed Loop Torque Control of Drives scheme of Fig. 3.4 finds application in battery operated vehicles, rail cars and electric trains. Driver presses the…

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Current Limit Control of Drives

Current Limit Control of Drives: Current Limit Control of Drives scheme of Fig. 3.3 is employed to limit the converter and motor current below a safe limit during transient operations.…

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Speed Control and Drive Classification

Speed Control and Drive Classification: Speed Control and Drive Classification are the Drivers where the driving motor runs at a nearly fixed speed are known as Constant Speed or Single…

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Submarine Cables

Submarine Cables: Submarine cables use principles very much like those of coaxial cables. Thus they are coaxial, have repeaters and equalizers and have dc power fed to them, with opposite…

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Parametric Amplifier Types

Parametric Amplifier Types: The basic Parametric Amplifier Types have already been discussed in detail, but several others also exist. They differ from one another in the variable reactance used, the…

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Parametric Amplifier

Parametric Amplifier: The parametric amplifier uses a device whose reactance is varied in such a manner that amplification results. It is low-noise because no resistance need be involved in the…

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Temperature Control System

Temperature Control System: Before going to study the temperature control system, let us see the block diagram of microprocessor based process Temperature Control System. It is capable of controlling more…

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Sensors and Transducers

Sensors and Transducers: The definition of Sensors and Transducers are follows, The input quantity for most instrumentation systems is nonelectrical. In order to use electrical methods and techniques for measurement, the…

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