Resistance Thermometer Working Principle

Resistance Thermometer Working Principle: The resistance of a conductor changes when its temperature is changed. This property is utilized for the measurement of temperature. The Resistance Thermometer working principle is…

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Wheatstone Bridge Diagram

Wheatstone Bridge Diagram: A Wheatstone Bridge diagram in its simplest form consists of a network of four resistance arms forming a closed circuit, with a dc source of current applied…

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Structure of Liquid Vapour Display (LVD)

Structure of Liquid Vapour Display (LVD): Liquid Vapour Display (LVD) are the latest in economical display technology. They employ a new reflective passive display principle and depend on the presence…

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What is Load Curve?

What is Load Curve?: Load drawn by consumers is the toughest parameter to assess scientifically. The magnitude of the load, in fact, changes continuously so that the load forecasting problem…

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Salient Pole Synchronous Generator

Salient Pole Synchronous Generator: A Salient Pole Synchronous Generator, as shown in Fig. 4.29, is distinguished from a round rotor machine by constructional features of field poles which project with…

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Types of Converters in Power Electronics

Types of Converters in Power Electronics: The different types of converters in power electronics are AC/DC Converters AC/AC Converters The Matrix Converter DC/DC Converters DC/AC Converters Control VSI Current Source…

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MOS Controlled Thyristor (MCT)

MOS Controlled Thyristor (MCT) | Symbol | Equivalent Circuit: An MOS Controlled Thyristor (MCT) is a thyristor-like trigger-into-conduction device that can be turned on or off by a short pulse…

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