Electric Drives Articles

Electric Drives Articles: This Electric Drives Articles which includes the following topics: A Simple Electric Motor Characteristics of DC Motor Speed Torque Characteristic of Separately Excited DC Motor Speed Torque…

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Choice of Electrical Drives

Choice of Electrical Drives: Choice of Electrical Drives depends on a number of factors. Some of the important factors are: Steady state operation requirements: Nature of speed torque characteristics, speed…

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Types of Electrical Drives

Types of Electrical Drives: Types of Electrical Drives has the following major parts: load, motor, power modulator, control unit and source. There are large number of loads and each load…

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Potentiometric Recorder Working Principle (Multipoint)

Potentiometric Recorder Working Principle (Multipoint): Potentiometric Recorder Working Principle - The thermocouple or millivolt signal is amplified by a non-inverting MOSFET, chopper stabilized, feedback amplifier. This configuration has a very…

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Circular Chart Recorder Working Principle

Circular Chart Recorder Working Principle: Circular Chart Recorder Working Principle - As the name implies, the data is recorded on a flat circular chart. The basic assembly of a single…

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Strip Chart Recorder Working Principle

Strip Chart Recorder Working Principle: Strip Chart Recorder Working Principle are those in which data is recorded on a continuous roll of chart paper moving at a constant speed. The…

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What is Shunt Compensation in Power System?

What is Shunt Compensation in Power System?: Shunt Compensation are connected in shunt at various system nodes (major substations) and sometimes at mid-point of lines. These serve the purposes of…

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Algorithm for Short Circuit Computation

Algorithm for Short Circuit Computation: So far we have carried out short circuit calculations for simple systems whose passive networks can be easily reduced. In this section we extend our…

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