Thyristor Control of Motors

Thyristor Control of Motors: Thyristor Control of Motors - A variety of thyristor control circuitry has been devised for use in motor control depending upon the type of supply (ac/dc)…

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What is Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)?

What is Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)? | Construction and Working of SCR: What is Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)? - This semiconductor switching device is also known as a thyristor. It…

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Motor Control by Static Power Converters

Motor Control by Static Power Converters: Motor Control by Static Power Converters - Power electronics is a multidisciplinary technology that encompasses power semiconductor devices, converter circuits, electric machines, signal electronics,…

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Speed Control of Induction Motor

Speed Control of Induction Motor: Stepless control of speed of induction motors cannot be carried out as efficiently and inexpensively as for dc motors. Various methods of Speed Control of…

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IC 723 Voltage Regulator

IC 723 Voltage Regulator: The popular general purpose precision regulator is IC 723. It is a monolithic linear integrated circuit in different physical packages. The pin diagram of IC 723…

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Series Parallel Control of DC Motor

Series Parallel Control of DC Motor: Series Parallel Control of DC Motor - Here two identical motors are coupled together mechanically to a common load. Two speeds at constant torque…

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Shunted Armature Speed Control

Shunted Armature Speed Control: Shunted Armature Speed Control - It is a variation of rheostatic control. As is obvious from Fig. 7.59, the principle used in achieving control is that…

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