Inverting Amplifier using Op Amp

Inverting Amplifier using Op Amp: Inverting Amplifier using Op Amp - As the name suggests the output of such an amplifier is inverted as compared to the input signal. The…

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Operational Amplifier Applications

Operational Amplifier Applications: The countless simple circuits using one or more operational amplifiers, some external resistors and the capacitors can be constructed. Such Operational Amplifier Applications are classified as Linear…

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Parameters of Operational Amplifier

Parameters of Operational Amplifier: Two Important Parameters of Operational Amplifier are the slew rate and the power supply rejection ratio (PSRR). Let us discuss and obtain the expressions for these…

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Ideal Operational Amplifier

Ideal Operational Amplifier: The Ideal Operational Amplifier is basically an amplifier which amplifies the difference between the two input signals. In its basic form, the Op Amp is nothing but…

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Transistor Biasing and Stabilization Articles

Transistor Biasing and Stabilization Articles: Selection of Operating Point in Transistor Biasing: To study the selection of operating point in Transistor biasing conditions on the performance of a transistor, it…

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Switching Circuits Articles

Switching Circuits Articles: What is Switching Circuit? In practice, we often need making (switching on) and breaking (switching off) of an electrical circuit. It is also desirable and sometimes essential…

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Sinusoidal Oscillators Articles

Sinusoidal Oscillators Articles: What is Oscillator? – Types of Oscillators: An oscillator is the basic element of all ac signal sources and generates sinusoidal signals of known frequency and amplitude.…

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Semiconductor Physics Articles

Semiconductor Physics Articles: Elemental Semiconductor Materials: Group IV includes five elements viz., Carbon (C), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Tin (Sn) and lead (Pb). The elements of this subgroup show marked…

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