Regulated and Switching Power Supplies Articles

Regulated and Switching Power Supplies Articles: Regulated and Unregulated Power Supply: Almost all electronic devices used in electronic circuits need a dc source of power to operate. The source of…

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Op Amp with Negative Feedback Articles

Op Amp with Negative Feedback Articles: Op Amp Differential Amplifier Circuit Diagram and its Operation: An ideal difference amplifier amplifies only the difference between two signals; it rejects any common…

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Modulation and Demodulation Articles

Modulation and Demodulation Articles: Basic Block Diagram of Communication System: The Basic Block Diagram of Communication System is shown in Fig. 22.1. The essential components of a communication system are…

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Linear Wave Shaping Articles

Linear Wave Shaping Articles: High Pass RC Circuit Diagram, Derivation and Application: The High Pass RC Circuit is shown in Fig. 29.1. The reactance of the capacitor is given as…

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Linear Applications of Op Amp Articles

Linear Applications of Op Amp Articles: Summing, Scaling and Averaging Amplifier: The most useful of the op-amp circuits employed in analog computers is the summing amplifier circuit. This circuit can…

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Frequency Response of Op Amp Articles

Frequency Response of Op Amp Articles: Single Stage Amplifier Frequency Response and Phase Response Curves: The voltage gain of a single-stage transistor amplifier commences to fall off at some high…

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FET Transistor Articles

FET Transistor Articles: Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) – Construction, Symbols and Operation: Depending upon the majority charge carriers, Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) have been classified into two types,…

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Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Articles

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Articles: Block Diagram of a General Purpose CRO and its workings: The modern time-domain General Purpose CRO, regardless of its sophistication, consists of the following main units.…

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