Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO)

Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO) | Block Diagram | Working and Limitations: In this Beat Frequency Oscillator, the outputs of two RF oscillators are applied to a square law detector and…

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Color Bar Generator

Color Bar Generator: The composite video signal at the output of a video detector consists of luminance Y signals, the chrominance signal, the color burst, sync pulses and blanking pulses.…

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Marker Generator

Marker Generator Block Diagram: Marker Generator - The sweep generator provides a visual display of the characteristics of the circuit or amplifier, but this is inadequate because it does not…

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RF Signal Generator

RF Signal Generator: An RF signal generator, when used for alignment and testing of the RF and IF stages of a TV receiver, permits recording of circuit performance at one…

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Dual Trace Oscilloscope

Dual Trace Oscilloscope: Figure 7.19 (a) shows a block diagram of Dual Trace Oscilloscope. This CRO has a single electron gun whose electron beam is split into two by an…

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Microprocessor Based Instruments

Microprocessor Based Instruments: Microprocessor Based Instruments - Digital instruments are designed around digital logic circuits without memory. The use of microprocessors as an integral part of measuring instruments has given…

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Dual Slope Integrating Type DVM

Dual Slope Integrating Type DVM (Voltage to Time Conversion): Dual Slope Integrating Type DVM - In ramp techniques, superimposed noise can cause large errors. In the dual ramp technique, noise…

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