Digital Fourier Analyzer

Digital Fourier Analyzer: The basic principle of a Digital Fourier Analyzer is shown in Fig. 9.14. The Digital Fourier Analyzer converts the analogue waveform over time period T into N…

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Harmonic Distortion Analyzer

Harmonic Distortion Analyzer: A Harmonic Distortion Analyzer measures the total harmonic power present in the test wave rather than the distortion caused by each component. The simplest method is to…

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Heterodyne Wave Analyzer

Heterodyne Wave Analyzer: Wave analyzers are useful for measurement in the audio frequency range only. For measurements in the RF range and above (MHz range), an ordinary wave analyzer cannot…

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What is Wave Analyzer?

What is Wave Analyzer?: It can be shown mathematically that any complex waveform is made up of a fundamental and its harmonics. It is often desired to measure the amplitude…

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Working Principle of Digital Multimeter

Working Principle of Digital Multimeter: Analog meters require no power supply, they give a better visual indication of changes and suffer less from electric noise and isolation problems. These meters…

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Motor Control by Static Power Converters

Motor Control by Static Power Converters: Motor Control by Static Power Converters - Power electronics is a multidisciplinary technology that encompasses power semiconductor devices, converter circuits, electric machines, signal electronics,…

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Important Questions of Integrated Circuits

Important Questions of Integrated Circuits: Give classification of integrated circuits. Compare IC families on the basis of substrate used, structure, active devices, passive devices and applications. What are the different…

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