What is Inductor in Electronics?

What is Inductor in Electronics? An inductor has been defined as a physical device which is capable of storing energy by virtue of a current flowing through it. An Inductor…

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What is Voltage and Current?

What is Voltage and Current? There are two quantities that we like to keep track of in electronic circuits : voltage and current. These are usually changing with time; otherwise…

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Microprocessor Based Protection Relay

Microprocessor Based Protection Relay: Reliable and accurate protection schemes are required for any system. Microprocessors can fulfill these requirements without fail. In addition to the system protection, microprocessors can perform…

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Blocked Rotor Test of Induction Motor

Blocked Rotor Test of Induction Motor: This Blocked Rotor Test of Induction Motor is used to determine the series parameters of the Circuit Model Parameters of an induction motor. The…

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Series Connection of Coupled Inductors

Series Connection of Coupled Inductors: Let there be two inductors connected in series, with self inductances L1 and L2 and mutual inductance of M. Two kinds of Series Connection of…

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Ideal Transformer on Load

Ideal Transformer on Load: Transfer of energy from one circuit to another circuit through mutual induction is widely utilized in power systems. This purpose is served by Ideal Transformer on…

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Coefficient of Coupling

Coefficient of Coupling: The amount of coupling between the inductively coupled coils is expressed in terms of the coefficient of coupling, which is defined as where M = mutual inductance…

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