Nonlinear Distortion Measurements

Nonlinear Distortion Measurements: One of the methods of Nonlinear Distortion Measurements consists of simulta­neously applying two sinusoidal voltages of different frequencies to the amplifier input and observing the sum, difference…

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Sensitivity Measurement Definition

Sensitivity Measurement Definition: The Sensitivity Measurement Definition of a radio receiver is its ability to amplify weak signals. It is often defined in terms of the voltage that must be…

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Typical Digital Filtering Operations

Typical Digital Filtering Operations: Digital filters in fact can be applied in many different parts of a signal and image processing transmission system. Two typical examples of systems in which…

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What is Electromechanical Chopper?

What is Electromechanical Chopper?: Electromechanical Chopper - An ac amplifier must see ac in order to perform useful work. A fair number of chopping and modulation techniques are available to…

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Differentiator using Op Amp

Differentiator using Op Amp: A Differentiator using Op Amp circuit that performs the mathematical operation of differ­entiation. It produces an output voltage proportional to slope of the input volt­age. A…

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Signal Conditioning System

Signal Conditioning System: Signal Conditioning System - The measurand, which is basically a physical quantity, is detected by the first stage of the instrumentation or measurement system. The first stage…

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Types of Strain Gauge Transducer

Types of Strain Gauge Transducer: Types of Strain Gauge Transducer are three types, namely Wire Strain Gauge Foil Strain Gauge Semiconductor Strain Gauge Wire Strain Gauge: Wire Strain Gauge has…

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Electrical Transducer

Electrical Transducer: A transducer is defined as a device that receives energy from one system and transmits it to another, often in a different form. Broadly defined, the transducer is…

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