Motor Control by Static Power Converters

Motor Control by Static Power Converters: Motor Control by Static Power Converters - Power electronics is a multidisciplinary technology that encompasses power semiconductor devices, converter circuits, electric machines, signal electronics,…

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Shaded Pole Motor Working Principle

Shaded Pole Motor Working Principle: Figure 10.17 shows a typical Shaded Pole Motor with a squirrel-cage rotor. A small portion of each pole is covered with a short-circuited, single-turn copper…

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Single Phase Induction Motor

Single Phase Induction Motor: A Single Phase Induction Motor comprises a single-phase distributed winding on the stator and normal squirrel-cage rotor as shown schematically in Fig. 10.1 wherein for convenience…

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Inverted Induction Motor

Inverted Induction Motor: In a wound rotor induction machine the three-phase supply can be given to the rotor windings through the slip rings and the stator terminals can be shorted…

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Dynamic Modelling of Induction Motor

Dynamic Modelling of Induction Motor: In general, the mechanical time-constant for any machine is much larger than the electrical time constant. Therefore, the Dynamic Modelling of Induction Motor can be…

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Isolated Induction Generator

Isolated Induction Generator: An Induction Machine can also work as a generator even if external power supply not available and it is called Isolated Induction Generator. An Isolated Induction Generator…

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Induction Generator Transmission Line Diagram

Induction Generator Transmission Line Diagram: An induction generator is asynchronous in nature because of which it is commonly used as windmill generator as a windmill runs at non-fixed speed. These…

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Double Cage Rotor Induction Motor

Double Cage Rotor Induction Motor: A rotor design, which though more expensive gives still better starting, and running performances than the deep-bar design, is the Double Cage Rotor Induction Motor.…

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