Butterworth Approximation

Butterworth Approximation: Butterworth Approximation - In low-pass filter design, we have to assume that all transmission zeros of the system function are at infinity. Then the magnitude function in general…

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Normalized Low Pass Filter Characteristics

Normalized Low Pass Filter Characteristics: Normalized Low Pass Filter Characteristics - The passive filters are the filters consisting only passive components such as resistors, inductors, capacitors. These classical filters are…

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Realisability of One Port Network

Realisability of One Port Network: Realisability of One Port Network - Consider the network function H(s) which is the ratio of Laplace transform of the output R(s) to the Laplace…

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Pole Zero Plot

Pole Zero Plot: Pole Zero Plot - The variable s is a complex variable. Hence a complex plane is required to indicate the values of s graphically. A complex plane…

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DC Circuit Breaker

DC Circuit Breaker: Light duty DC Circuit Breaker have been in use since long. However, with the latest developments in HVDC transmission there would naturally be the necessity of the…

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Transistor Use in Static Relay

Transistor Use in Static Relay: Transistor Use in Static Relay - In its simplest form, it consists of two pn junction diodes coupled together by a very thin common base,…

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Motor Protection

Motor Protection: Motor Protection - There is a wide range of motors in existence for various purposes. However, the fundamental problems affecting the choice of protection are independent of the…

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Power Factor Improvement Methods

Power Factor Improvement Methods: There are many drives which operate at a low power factor. Some of Power Factor Improvement Methods are: An induction motor direct on line. ac-dc diode…

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