What is Extrinsic Semiconductor?

What is Extrinsic Semiconductor? Intrinsic (or pure) semiconductor by itself is of little significance as it has little current conduction capability at ordinary room temperature. However, the electrical conductivity of…

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What is Intrinsic Semiconductor?

What is Intrinsic Semiconductor? An intrinsic semiconductor is one which is made of the semiconductor material in its extremely pure form. A semiconductor is not truly intrinsic unless its impurity…

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Compound Semiconductor Materials

Compound Semiconductor Materials: Most of the compound semiconductor materials are formed from the combinations of group III and group V elements. A portion of the periodic table listing the more…

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Elemental Semiconductor Materials

Elemental Semiconductor Materials: Group IV includes five elements viz., Carbon (C), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Tin (Sn) and lead (Pb). The elements of this subgroup show marked similarity as well…

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Thyratron Working Principle

Thyratron Working Principle: Thyratron is a hot cathode gas filled triode. Normally it is filled with a small amount of inert gas such as argon, hydrogen, neon or mercury vapour.…

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Coupled Circuits Definition

Coupled Circuits Definition: Two circuits are said to be 'coupled' when energy transfer takes place from one circuit to the other when one of the circuits is energized. There are…

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Terminal Pairs or Ports

Terminal Pairs or Ports: Terminal Pairs or Ports - A pair of terminals at which an electrical signal may enter or leave a network is called a port. The terminals…

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