Polar Plot for Frequency Response

Polar Plot for Frequency Response: One of them is the Polar Plot for Frequency Response representation. The transfer function in the frequency domain is obtained by substituting jω for s…

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Block Diagram of Electric Drive System

Block Diagram of Electric Drive System: It is normal practice in control engineering to represent a control system by means of a Block Diagram of Electric Drive System, with a…

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Features of Electric Drive System

Features of Electric Drive System: Before applying advantageously the control principles to electric drive systems to adjust or improve their behaviour as a special case of control problem, it is…

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Introduction Control Techniques in Electric Drives

Introduction Control Techniques in Electric Drives: An electric drive is a well established industrial drive as it has several ad­vantages and special features. Its Control Techniques consists in starting, speed…

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Electric Motor Power Loss and Heating

Electric Motor Power Loss and Heating: An Electric Motor Power Loss and Heating occurring in its various parts such as copper losses occurring in armature and field and eddy currents…

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Reversible Drives using Choppers

Reversible Drives using Choppers: Using two quadrant choppers a reversible drive can be achieved, because this combination allows reversal of both current and voltage of the motor termi­nals. We can…

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