Power Budget in Optical Fiber

Power Budget in Optical Fiber: The term Power Budget in Optical Fiber is the relationship between the power losses in fiber links and associated equipment and the available input power…

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Fiber Optic Components and Systems

Fiber Optic Components and Systems: The Fiber Optic Components and Systems can be divided into subgroups, the source, the link, and the detectors. We will now explore the makeup and…

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Color Television Receiver Block Diagram

Color Television Receiver Block Diagram: Figure 17-25 shows the block diagram of a Color Television Receiver Block Diagram, but for simplicity the circuits shown in Figure 17-23 are omitted. Interconnection…

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Color Picture Tube Working

Color Picture Tube Working: A Color Picture Tube Working requires correct sweep currents, input voltages and drive voltages. Having said this very quickly, it is now a good idea to…

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Monochrome Television Receiver Block Diagram

Monochrome Television Receiver Block Diagram: Monochrome Television Receiver Block Diagram as shown in Figure 17-9, TV receivers use the superheterodyne principle. There is extensive pulse circuitry, to ensure that the…

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Sawtooth Waveform in Beam Scanning

Sawtooth Waveform in Beam Scanning: As previously discussed, one complete frame of a TV picture is scanned 30 times per second, in a manner very similar to reading this page.…

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Microwave Link in Electronic Communication

Microwave Link in Electronic Communication: A Microwave Link in Electronic Communication performs the same functions as a copper or optic fiber cable, but in a different manner, by using point-to-point…

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Semiconductor Microwave Devices Articles

Semiconductor Microwave Devices Articles: Trapatt Diode Construction and Working: The Trapatt Diode Construction and Working is derived from and closely related to the IMPATT diode. Indeed, as pointed out near…

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