Intel 8096 CPU Structure

Intel 8096 CPU Structure: The major components of the CPU on the 8096BH are the register file and the register ALU (RALU). The Intel 8096 CPU Structure consists of a…

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Serial Communication Interface in Microprocessor

Serial Communication Interface in Microprocessor: The Serial Communication Interface in Microprocessor is full duplex, meaning it can transmit and receive simultaneously. It is also receive-buffered, meaning it can commence reception…

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Motorola 68000 Instruction Set

Motorola 68000 Instruction Set: There are actually 56 basic instructions provided in the Motorola 68000 Instruction Set. With 14 addressing modes, 56 instructions, and 5 data types, the 68000 includes…

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Register Architecture of 68000 Microprocessor

Register Architecture of 68000 Microprocessor: Fig. 11.1 illustrate the Register Architecture of 68000 Microprocessor. Data Registers: The data registers can be used to handle (8-bit) bytes, (16-bit) words, or 32-bit…

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8086 Instruction Set Articles

8086 Instruction Set Articles: Data Transfer Instructions in 8086: The Data Transfer Instructions in 8086 are a) General Purpose Byte or Word Transfer Instructions: MOV PUSH POP XCHG XLAT MOV…

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Rotate Instruction in 8086 with example

Rotate Instruction in 8086 with example: The Rotate Instruction in 8086 with example are namely ROL ROR RCL RCR ROL Instruction : ROL destination, count. This Rotate Instruction in 8086…

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8086 Instruction Format

8086 Instruction Format: The 8086 Instruction 8086 Instruction Format vary from 1 to 6 bytes in length. Fig. 6.8 shows the instruction formats for 1 to 6 bytes instructions. As…

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