Closed Loop Configuration of Op amp

Closed Loop Configuration of Op amp: The utility of op-amp increases considerably if it is used in a closed loop mode. The Closed Loop Configuration of Op amp mode is…

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Parameters of Operational Amplifier

Parameters of Operational Amplifier: Two Important Parameters of Operational Amplifier are the slew rate and the power supply rejection ratio (PSRR). Let us discuss and obtain the expressions for these…

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Ideal Operational Amplifier

Ideal Operational Amplifier: The Ideal Operational Amplifier is basically an amplifier which amplifies the difference between the two input signals. In its basic form, the Op Amp is nothing but…

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Parallel Plate Capacitor in IC Fabrication

Parallel Plate Capacitor in IC Fabrication: The Parallel Plate Capacitor in IC Fabrication structures are as shown in the Fig. 1.24. In most widely used parallel plate capacitor type shown…

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Integrated Resistor

Integrated Resistor: In Integrated Resistor circuit design, the importance is given to the maximum usage of transistors. For example digital CMOS, nMOS and GaAs circuits are fabricated entirely with transistors…

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