Measurement of Electrical Quantities

Measurement of Electrical Quantities: Measurement of electrical quantities which includes Measurement of Voltage Measurement of Current Frequency Measurement Phase-Angle Measurement Power-Factor Measurement Impedance Measurement VA Measurement Power Measurement VAR Measurement…

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Load Commutated Chopper Circuit

Load Commutated Chopper Circuit: In this method of Load Commutated Chopper Circuit, the load current flowing through the thyristor is made to become zero while the motor current is conducted…

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Current Commutated Chopper Circuit

Current Commutated Chopper Circuit: Figure 11.34 shows a Current Commutated Chopper Circuit. The main thyristor Th1 of the chopper is commutated by a current pulse generated in the commutation circuitry.…

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Voltage Commutated Chopper Circuit

Voltage Commutated Chopper Circuit: This Voltage Commutated Chopper Circuit comprises an auxiliary thyristor Th2, a diode D, inductor L and capacitor C as shown in Fig. 11.32 wherein the total…

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Performance of CMOS Gates

Performance of CMOS Gates: The Performance of CMOS Gates which based on following different categories namely, Operating Speed : Slower than TTL series. Approximately 25 to 100 ns depending on…

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EEEGUIDE | Online Electrical and Electronics Learning Site

EEEGUIDE.COM - Online Electrical and Electronics Learning Site This Online Electrical and Electronics Learning Site covers electrical and electronics fundamentals and advanced articles, electrical and electronics learning pdf notes, electrical…

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Power on Reset Circuit of 8085

Power on Reset Circuit in 8051: On reset, the PC sets to 0000H which causes the 8085 to execute the first instruction from address 0000H. For proper reset operation reset…

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