What is Load Curve?

What is Load Curve?: Load drawn by consumers is the toughest parameter to assess scientifically. The magnitude of the load, in fact, changes continuously so that the load forecasting problem…

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Static Kramer Drive

Static Kramer Drive: The Static Kramer drive system which consists of variable-speed drive system shown in Fig. 11.43 consists of a slipring induction motor and a rectifier-fed dc motor. The…

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Types of Converters in Power Electronics

Types of Converters in Power Electronics: The different types of converters in power electronics are AC/DC Converters AC/AC Converters The Matrix Converter DC/DC Converters DC/AC Converters Control VSI Current Source…

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Block Diagram of Electrical Drives

Block Diagram of Electrical Drives | Advantages | Applications: Block Diagram of Electrical Drives - Invention of thyristor led to emergence of semiconductor drives in early sixties. The improvements in…

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Hunting in Synchronous Machine

Hunting in Synchronous Machine: So far the operation of the synchronous machine under steady-state conditions at constant (synchronous) speed has been considered. Under these conditions of Hunting in Synchronous Machine…

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Synchronous Machine Operation

Synchronous Machine Operation: The Synchronous Machine Operation are examined here under conditions of variable load and variable excitation. One of these quantities will be assumed to be held constant at…

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Synchronous Machine on Infinite Bus Bars

Synchronous Machine on Infinite Bus Bars: A definite procedure has to be followed in connecting a Synchronous Machine on Infinite Bus Bars which for the present purpose will be assumed…

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DC Machine Applications

DC Machine Applications: Whenever the application of any machine is considered, its operating characteristics along with its economic and technical viability as compared to its competitors are the essential criteria.…

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