Tie Set Matrix

Tie Set Matrix(Link Currents): Tie Set Matrix - For a given tree of a graph, addition of each link between any two nodes forms a loop called the fundamental loop.…

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Twigs and Links

Twigs and Links: Twigs and Links - The branches of a tree are called its 'twigs'. For a given graph, the complementary set of branches of the tree is called…

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Low Pass Filter Circuits

Low Pass Filter Circuits: The Low Pass Filter Circuits of Fig. 15.7 is commonly used for low pass active filters. The filtering is done by the use of an RC…

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Instrumentation System Block Diagram

Instrumentation System Block Diagram: Instrumentation System - The measurement and control of physical conditions is very important in many industrial and consumer applications. For example, the operator may make necessary…

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Negative Feedback Op Amp

Negative Feedback Op Amp: Negative Feedback Op Amp - The Inverting Amplifier configuration is shown in Fig. 14.8. The input signal is applied to the inverting terminal. The amplified inverted…

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Types of Forced Commutation

Types of Forced Commutation: It was observed from the discussion on choppers and inverters that in thyristor systems fed from dc supply, the forward current does not pass through zero…

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