Basics of Electronics Engineering Articles

Basics of Electronics Engineering Articles: Types of Power Supply in Electronics: There are two types of Power Supply in Electronics viz. dc supply and ac supply. The voltage or current…

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Transducers Interview Questions and Answers

Transducers Interview Questions and Answers: 1. Explain in brief the term transducer. Ans. Basically transducer is defined as a device which converts energy or information from one form to another. These…

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OTEC Power Plant

OTEC Power Plant: Introduction - OTEC Power Plant or Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion is an energy technology, which uses the ocean's natural temperature gradient to drive a turbine, which is…

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What is Resistor in Electronics?

What is Resistor in Electronics? What is Resistor in Electronics? - Resistance is a dissipative element, which converts electrical energy into heat, when the current flows through it in any…

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