Fault Resistance Calculation

Fault Resistance Calculation: Fault Resistance Calculation consists of two components, the resistance of the are and the resistance of earth. The second component is present only when it involves an…

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Rotor Resistance Control of Induction Motor

Rotor Resistance Control of Induction Motor: Speed-torque curves for Rotor Resistance Control of Induction Motor are given in Fig. 6.50. While maximum torque is independent of rotor resistance, speed at…

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Negative Resistance Amplifier

Negative Resistance Amplifier: The classical application of the tunnel diode was in microwave oscillators, especially after it was realized that the secret of stable oscillations lay in loosely coupling the…

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Inductance and Resistance Articles

Inductance and Resistance Articles: Bundled Conductors in EHV Transmission Lines : It is economical to transmit large chunks of power over long distances by employing EHV lines. However, the line…

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Series Resistance Microammeter

Series Resistance Microammeter: High d.c. voltages are usually measured by connecting a very high resistance (few hundreds of megaohms) in Series Resistance Microammeter as shown in Fig. 7.1. Only the…

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Resistance Grounding

Resistance Grounding: In order to limit the magnitude of earth fault current, it is a common practice to connect the neutral point of a 3-phase system to earth through a…

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Resistance Switching Circuit Breaker

Resistance Switching Circuit Breaker: We already know that current chopping, capacitive current breaking etc. give rise to severe voltage oscillations. These excessive voltage surges during circuit interruption can be prevented…

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Thermal Resistance to Heat Flow

Thermal Resistance to Heat Flow: The Thermal Resistance to Heat Flow between two points in a medium (e.g. insulation) is equal to temperature difference between these points divided by the…

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