Basic Elements of Static Relay

Basic Elements of Static Relay: The basic elements of a static relay are namely, Input Element: Mixing circuits are needed to sum the input signals in a convenient form. Semiconductor…

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Sample and Hold Circuit

Sample and Hold Circuit: Four basic sample and hold circuit are shown in Fig. 14.141. In these circuits a JFET is used as switch. During the sampling time the JFET…

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Delta Modulation

Delta Modulation(DM): Delta modulation(DM) is process of modulation in which train of fixed width pulses is transmitted. Their polarity indicates whether the demodulator output should rise or fall at each…

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Working Principle of Digital Multimeter

Working Principle of Digital Multimeter: Analog meters require no power supply, they give a better visual indication of changes and suffer less from electric noise and isolation problems. These meters…

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Important Questions of Integrated Circuits

Important Questions of Integrated Circuits: Give classification of integrated circuits. Compare IC families on the basis of substrate used, structure, active devices, passive devices and applications. What are the different…

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