Slope Detector FM Demodulation

Slope Detector FM Demodulation: Consider a frequency-modulated signal fed to a tuned circuit whose resonant frequency is to one side of the center frequency of the FM signal. The output…

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Amplitude Limiter in FM Receiver

Amplitude Limiter in FM Receiver: In order to make full use of the advantages offered by FM, a demodulator must be preceded by an Amplitude Limiter in FM Receiver, as…

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Transistor RF Amplifier Circuit

Transistor RF Amplifier Circuit: A radio receiver always has an RF section, which is a tunable circuit connected to the antenna terminals. It is there to select the wanted frequency…

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Methods of Suppressing Unwanted Sidebands

Methods of Suppressing Unwanted Sidebands: As stated earlier, the three practical methods of SSB generation all use the balanced modulator to suppress the carrier, but each uses a different method…

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Motorola 68000 Pins and Signals

Motorola 68000 Pins and Signals: Fig. 11.3 illustrates the Motorola 68000 Pins and Signals. Data Transfer Control and Address Lines: D0-D15 is the bi-directional 16-bit data bus. A1-A23 is the output…

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Automation Generation Articles

Automation Generation Articles: Turbo Generator Excitation System: Power system operation considered so far was under conditions of steady load. However, both active and reactive power demands are never steady and…

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Wave Analyzer Articles

Wave Analyzer Articles: What is Wave Analyzer? It can be shown mathematically that any complex waveform is made up of a fundamental and its harmonics. It is often desired to measure…

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