Power on Reset Circuit of 8085

Power on Reset Circuit in 8051: On reset, the PC sets to 0000H which causes the 8085 to execute the first instruction from address 0000H. For proper reset operation reset…

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Ideal Transformer on Load

Ideal Transformer on Load: Transfer of energy from one circuit to another circuit through mutual induction is widely utilized in power systems. This purpose is served by Ideal Transformer on…

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Three Phase Balanced Circuit

Three Phase Balanced Circuit: The analysis of Three Phase Balanced Circuit is presented in this section. It is no way different from the analysis of AC systems in general. The…

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Auto Reclosing Circuit Breaker Articles

Auto Reclosing Circuit Breaker Articles: Auto Reclosing Scheme : It is well realized that the transient faults which are most frequent in occurrence do no permanent damage to the system…

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Application of Relay Articles

Application of Relay Articles: Comparator Equation in Power System Protection : Comparator Equation in Power System Protection – Taking a very general case to cover the complete range of conventional…

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